RENEGADES, the second book in Thomas Locke's "Recruits" series for young adults, picks up and continues the adventures of Earth-born twins Sean and Dillon Kirrell as they navigate Diplomatic Institute and Academy, respectively, as part of the Human Assembly on the planet Serena.
Having their talents discovered much later than others their age who attend classes and train on Serena, Sean and Dillon's advanced abilities, including using their strengths and weaknesses in tandem, are the object of scorn and disbelief. They, however, continue to gain allies within the Human Assembly as their skills are proved yet again in the field.
Locke has successfully created a serial science fiction adventure in the style of Buck Rogers, Star Trek, and Star Wars-- one that leaves the reader craving the next adventure as soon as the current one ends.
I received a copy of the book from the author and Revell Books in exchange for my honest review.